Our mission is to modernize the digital parts of engineering workflows

Industrial Sector

Our story.

Managing technical drawings through email, as is usually done nowadays, is like using a flip phone in the world of smartphones — outdated, frustrating, and painfully inefficient. Feedback gets lost in a sea of inbox junk, engineers, and production managers play detective with design changes and one missed email can turn into a production nightmare. It’s time to stop the email ping-pong and establish a clear communication practice.

The cost of addressing a fault due to unorganized emails increases as it progresses through different development stages. Expensive materials add up, more engineering manpower is wasted, and what if a mistake makes it to the final product. The loss of productivity along with the actual hourly cost of an engineer makes technical drawing reviews an expensive process to carry out—which is why it’s vital for them to be run efficiently.

That’s why we’re creating a simple collaboration platform. Whether you’re an engineer, production manager, or a machine operator, our solution lets you easily view, annotate, and give feedback on drawings directly online. Any changes are then archived and can always be traced back later. We bring these steps together into one singular centralized platform, so that you can focus on what really matters: delivering results.

Our team’s core value is simplicity. It’s highly important for us that our users don’t take hours to understand our core features. That’s why we are working very closely with our current customers and taking the extra mile to gather feedback from them.

CADRAK is one small step for an IT professional, but a giant leap for the manufacturing industry.

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